You have the choice!!

Start physical therapy NOW WITHOUT a doctor’s prescription.

You can choose where you go for physical therapy.

This means you can be proactive in your healthcare! New patients can be seen for 30 days or 10 visits before needing to go to the doctor.

Physical therapists are the movement experts and are uniquely qualified to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal pain and injuries.

Key Benefits of Direct Access:

  • Convenience: Skip the wait and initiate your healing process sooner. No more being bounced around waiting for referrals, get started today!

  • Save Money: One less doctor’s visit, no unnecessary scans or treatments before being referred to physical therapy anyway.

  • Faster Recovery: Swift intervention can lead to faster relief of pain, faster rehabilitation and recovery.

  • Empowerment: Take control of your health decisions and work towards your goals.

Experience the Difference: Schedule your appointment today to experience the convenience and effectiveness of direct access to physical therapy.

Located in the Northlands of Kansas City, our clinic is dedicated to serving our community's health needs. Let's embark on this journey to better health together!